Tuesday, July 13, 2010

This is my first post, written on a rainy day that kept us all in doors, cooped up in close quarters for 9 looong hours. I should be grateful for the rain as the other option seems to be oppressive heat and humidity, and the local farmers need the rain. Instead of total respite however, the rain has brought cooler temperatures and crabby children. So I am hiding out in the rather large upstairs hall closet ingnoring the phone, the doorbell and my barking dogs. I guess I should take this opportunity to tell you I am a stay at home mom of four boys, ages 1, 5, 8 and 36. My oldest child is actually my husband whom I love dearly but has the intuitive helpfulness of...well, a man. Oh, and I am the only living being in this house with a uterus, even our dogs are boys. And most of the time I love being the self proclaimed "Queen of the Castle" but sometimes the moat is filled with testosterone not water. These are the adventures of a woman who never dreamed she'd be a stay at home mom, living on a street with other women who also all have boys (what is in our water?) and loving this crazy ride called life.

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