Thursday, August 5, 2010

You want me to take them with ME?????

So we just recently returned from a wonderful vacation which all moms of young kids know, means fun for the kids, more work for us. My dashingly handsome husband took the day before we left off work to help me get ready. In mom-speak this means "watch the kids so I can get us all ready". Over the years we have perfected this little tango of him watching kids while I scurry around Ross county picking up last minute items, doing laundry, taking the dogs to the kennel, doing laundry, going to the bank, doing laundry, getting snacks for the trip, doing laundry and finally folding our clothing into impossibly small origami shapes and placing it all into suitcases to be put in the van. While my husband may have a more advanced degree than me, he thinks packing the van is tossing things arbitrarily into the Odyssey and forcing the door closed. I, however, inherited my mother's not-entirely-useless skill of packing. Not to be modest but I could fit a marching band in the back of my van and still have room for the mascot. So while I was semi-happily doing my part of our little dance, he was supposed to be spending quality time with his crew. Until I came back from a sunscreen/sand toys/fruit snacks run to which point he told me he needed to get a car top carrier for our trip. A reasonable request, fine go get one I told him. He grabs his keys, wallet and sunglasses and heads for the Jeep, a vehicle without a car seat. As he is about to hop effortlessly in, I asked him if he was forgetting something. "Nope" he replied patting his wallet. I motioned to the three faces watching him out the window. "What? What am I supposed to do with them? Take them with ME?" Now normally I would be more than happy to let him wander about Sears sans-children for an afternoon but not today. There was simply too much to do and I needed him to be, well, my bitch. Maybe assistant is a better word choice but I like the idea of him being my bitch, so bitch it is! I will never forget the shocked look on his face. So I compromised, and kept the older two who were happily pre-occupied with their ipods.

p.s. he didn't even buy the carrier

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