Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Cleaning for the cleaning ladies

Imagine if you will, it is Sunday evening, the children are in bed, the dogs are quiet and all seems serene.... when suddenly a woman whizzes by in a frenzy with the faint hum of the flight of the bumblebees playing in the background. She's picking up shoes and toys, swiffering everything in sight and shooting dirty looks at her husband who is relaxing on the couch reading a book. Who is this crazed lunatic and what is she doing?? Well, that would be me and I am getting ready for Monday, when my cleaning ladies come. In my husband's words I am "cleaning for the cleaning ladies" which he finds a complete waste of time and energy. And he says it makes me crabby. As if! It's not the cleaning that's making me crabby, it's the middle aged man sitting on the couch not helping that's making me crabby! Here is where I think the sexes disconnect, women know you have to clean up the clutter or they will spend all their time picking up your clutter and not cleaning your house. It's not like they plan to spend an entire day at Tucker Manor putting dudes (action figures) in bins and conquering the dust bunny army that is forming under my couch. Men, well my husband and his buddies who find this pre-cleaning equally hilarious, think well who knows what they think because all they do is laugh and shake their heads. And maybe they are right, after all I am new to the cleaning lady experience. Thank you third child who has taken away my ability to juggle everything. But the dudes will be out of the bins again tomorrow and I need those bunnies captured before they take us all hostage. And what is the first thing I say to the cleaning crew when they show up...."Sorry for all the clutter, I'll try to have it picked up next week."

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